Category: WSL2

Configuring Ingress to run Minikube on WSL2 using Docker runtime

By Hugo Guerrero on 2021-02-22

As I mentioned previously, I’m trying to ramp up my Kube development using Windows’ newest Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). You can read my previous post on how I found it remarkable to use my gaming laptop for day-to-day development. However, using WSL2 with Docker and Minikube brought not few challenges to make it work smoothly. In this post, I will cover how to make the Nginx Ingress controller work with Minikube when creating a cluster that is running on Docker instead of the traditional virtual machine.

#wsl2 #windows #linux #docker #minikube #ingress

Read more of Configuring Ingress to run Minikube on WSL2 using Docker runtime

A Developer’s Journey to WSL2 Awesomeness

By Hugo Guerrero on 2021-02-15

The shift in modern systems architecture to cloud and microservices brought huge changes to the way people develop applications. A long time ago (~15 years) we focused on clients accessing directly the database or some middleware running on local servers. In that time, the development environment had to reflect the target environment where those applications were going to be running. As you can imagine, most of the clients were targeting hardware running Windows.

#wsl2 #windows #linux #docker #vscode #development

Read more of A Developer's Journey to WSL2 Awesomeness